William S. Hart Union High School District Celebrates Decrease in Chronic Absenteeism

SANTA CLARITA, CA – The William S. Hart Union High School District is proud to announce that through its Be Present in School and Life campaign, the district saw a significant decrease in chronic absenteeism in the 2023/24 school year. This is a credit to the dedicated efforts of students, staff, and families. Chronic absenteeism, defined as missing 10% or more of school days for any reason, has a profound impact on a student's academic performance, social development, and mental well-being.

Interim Superintendent Dr. Michael Vierra expressed gratitude for the collaborative efforts that contributed to this achievement. “We are proud of the progress our district has made in reducing chronic absenteeism. This success is a testament to the commitment of our students, the dedication of our staff, and the unwavering support of our families.”

Research has consistently shown that regular school attendance is critical for academic success. Students who attend school daily are more likely to perform well in reading and math, graduate high school, and be prepared for college and career opportunities. Beyond academics, daily attendance fosters important social skills, such as teamwork and communication, and supports mental health by providing stability and routine.

Despite this progress, there is still work to be done. The district remains committed to continuing efforts to ensure that all students attend school regularly. Be Present campaign initiatives such as early intervention, personalized support plans, and community partnerships will remain a focus in the coming year.

“We recognize that there are still challenges to overcome,” Dr. Vierra continued. “Our goal is to ensure every student has the opportunity to succeed, and that begins with being present in the classroom. We will continue to work closely with our families and community to address barriers to attendance and support our students' needs.”

The Hart District extends heartfelt thanks to the parents and guardians for their vital role in this success. Your partnership and dedication to your children’s education are invaluable, and we look forward to continued collaboration for the benefit of all our students.