District Departments » Purchasing, Warehouse, & Bids » Notice Inviting Bids

Notice Inviting Bids

The William S. Hart Union High School District utilizes an eProcurement system that streamlines procurement while ensuring an open, fair, and competitive supplier selection process. The District may solicit sealed electronic bids in response to a specific project. To be notified of potential projects, please register your business and include a company email address. Potential bidders are solely responsible for maintaining an up-to-date profile with accurate information and may edit the profile at any time.
For Bidding and Vendor Registration, please use the following link: https://procurement.opengov.com/portal/hartdistrict. By registering you will be able to subscribe to participate in potential opportunities and receive notifications for future requirements. All Public Project bid solicitations, including notifications, that are administered by the District will be conducted this way. For technical assistance with the vendor registration process, please use the following instructions.

Bid Instructions

Bids may be received up to but not later than the published date and time via the District’s e-Procurement Portal located at https://procurement.opengov.com/portal/hartdistrict. The School District’s eProcurement Portal Clock is the official timekeeper for the determination of all deadline dates and times. Without exception, responses will not be accepted after the submission deadline regardless of any technical difficulties such as poor internet connections. The William S. Hart Union High School District strongly recommends completing your response well ahead of the deadline.
Questions and Addenda
Bidders shall submit all inquiries regarding a bid via the District’s e-Procurement Portal, located at https://procurement.opengov.com/portal/hartdistrict. Please note the advertised deadline for submitting inquiries. All answers to inquiries will be posted on the District’s e-Procurement Portal. As a registered bidder, you will also receive addenda notifications to your email by clicking “Follow” on the project of interest.
Bid Responses
To be considered, you will submit your bid using the online bid/proposal sheet provided. You may also be asked to answer questions to support your bid submission. Other information regarding your company, as well as uploads of ancillary documents to the District’s eProcurement portal may be required.

Current Bids

Closed Bids