District Departments » Student Services » School Safety

School Safety

The Hart District is continually assessing our safety practices as part of our commitment to maintaining safe and inclusive schools for our students. As part of this work, we contracted in November 2019 with an outside security consultant, PrinceKallin, to provide us with an objective review of our procedures along with a summary of Best Safety Practices used in the educational setting. As such, the list that follows contains efforts in four main areas: mental health and wellness, site security, communication, and policy and training. 

For detailed information regarding each of these focus areas, please click on the titles below.

Governing Board School Safety Updates

The Hart District is committed to reviewing and updating safety practices on a regular basis. Please see links below to recent School Safety Update presentations.


After the tragic events at Saugus High School in November, 2019, the William S. Hart Union High School District initiated a process to review our safety and security processes to provide objective recommendations to the District for enhancing Districtwide safety processes focusing on industry standards, best practices, and evidence based research. To that end, the District collaborated with a small group of threat assessment professionals, who are
nationally recognized as experts in campus violence prevention, to:
  1. Summarize research and best practices in the area of school safety and threat assessment,
  2. Participate in community meetings to provide a framework to discuss current District processes,
  3. Evaluate District plans, policies and procedures related to targeted violence prevention, and
  4. Provide recommendations to the District for enhancing plans and procedures for campus violence prevention.
The link below contains the full report prepared by Prince/Kallin Consultants as a result of these collaborative efforts.