Best Practice: Establish a District Threat Assessment Team (DTAT) that brings together appropriate resources to identify persons of concern, assess potential risk of violence and develop violence mitigation strategies.
Hart District Progress: The Hart District first established the DTAT in 2016. To expand the capacity of this team, we converted the DTAT to a District Care Team (DCT). The DCT proactively supports school sites to support students who are in need of social and/or emotional support. The DCT meets regularly.
Best Practice: Establish School Care/Student Needs Teams at each school site within the district to identify and refer students with unmet needs to early intervention resources as appropriate to reduce the risk of targeted violence.
Hart District Progress: School sites have assembled multidisciplinary Student Care Teams to ensure a high level of functionality to provide resources to students and families in need of them. These site teams convene regularly to proactively support students who may be in need of additional support or services.
Best Practice: Develop and implement social and emotional learning (SEL) modules as components of the existing health curriculum that is required for all incoming freshmen.
Hart District Progress: The Hart District has wellness centers on all campuses to support the social, emotional, and mental health challenges faced by students and parents. These centers are open during the school day and are staffed with Wellness Coordinators to support student mental health needs. Wellness Coordinators also push into classes to provide social emotional learning curriculum in addition to adaptive coping strategies to support student mental health. They also support the positive climate and culture of schools by pushing out SEL activities and events on a larger scale as demonstrated by school-wide activities, empowerment conferences, and Wellness Forums.
The Hart District is also implementing a new Family and Human Services CTE Pathway with the goal of providing interested students an opportunity to explore and prepare for careers in a number of fields, including, but not limited to: psychology, sociology, social work, and child development. Students within this pathway will gain practical experience by providing peer-to-peer support in our wellness centers.
Best Practice: Where possible, assign an experienced licensed therapist, at the masters or doctoral level, to each school site for continuity of site awareness, ability to support School Care Teams and expansion of mental health capacity.
Hart District Progress: The Hart District employs a full team of over 50 licensed and pre-licensed therapists within the Counseling Department to provide intensive therapeutic services that help diffuse aggression, address isolation, and tend to the mental health needs of our general and special education students and families. We also employ a cadre of licensed and pre-licensed social workers to support the unique and ever changing needs of our students and their families.
Best Practice: Consider District-wide opportunities to provide trainings such as Capturing Kids Hearts (CKH) or Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) which support a consistent framework for intervention across the District.
Hart District Progress: The Hart District adopted Capturing Kids' Hearts, an evidence-based practice, in 2012. In addition, our junior high schools use Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), an evidence-based, three-tiered framework to improve and integrate data, systems, and practices affecting student outcomes every day.
Best Practice: Develop and maintain relationships and communication with community resources such as Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health (LACDMH), School Threat Assessment and Response Team (START), and other local mental health resources.
Hart District Progress: The Hart District has long-standing relationships and communicates regularly with LACDMH, START, and many community partners. Since November 2019, we have strengthened these relationships and expanded our connections to support students, including outstanding support in the months following the tragedy by organizations such as the Child and Family Center and the Children's Bureau, who were pivotal in providing assistance and support to staff, students and families.
Best Practice: In order to maximize the effect of early intervention, it is recommended that the District engage in a Santa Clarita Valley-wide School Based Counseling (SBC) program that includes all the elementary school districts within the Santa Clarita Valley.
Hart District Progress: The Hart District, through its Director of Counseling, Dr. Nicholas Betty, has developed a SBC program with expanded access to our feeder elementary school districts. SBC has recently expanded in capacity with the introduction of groups.