Staff Wellness Resources
Welcome to the Staff Wellness Resources page. Please let us know if you need any additional information or guidance related to employee benefits by contacting the Benefits Department at:
(661) 259-0033 ext. 267
(661) 259-0033 ext. 267
If you know of additional resources that could be of help to others, please contact Human Resources at: (661) 259-0033 ext. 417

Once you enroll in the UCLA program, the login and course page information will be emailed to you directly for purposes of your privacy and confidentiality.
Wellness Benefits
Hinge Health
Physical Therapy and programs for major muscle and joint issues.
*This benefit is for current Anthem PPO or Blue Shield PPO members 18 years and older with musculoskeletal disorders.
Breathe for Change Wellness Training
New UCLA Resource for Hart District Staff
Teachers and school staff in LA County are heroes, but that doesn’t mean that things haven’t been tough for all of us. If you are grieving, feeling stressed, burned out, or just generally overwhelmed, there is a new resource for
you. The LA County Wellbeing Line & Chat, created by the DMH+UCLA Public Partnership for Wellbeing, is an emotional support line and wellbeing resource specifically for school staff continuing to work during the pandemic. The line provides emotional support related to COVID-19 stressors, assistance navigating mental health services and referrals to grief and bereavement resources, and the opportunity to process the wellbeing needs of your students.
Teachers and school staff in LA County are heroes, but that doesn’t mean that things haven’t been tough for all of us. If you are grieving, feeling stressed, burned out, or just generally overwhelmed, there is a new resource for
you. The LA County Wellbeing Line & Chat, created by the DMH+UCLA Public Partnership for Wellbeing, is an emotional support line and wellbeing resource specifically for school staff continuing to work during the pandemic. The line provides emotional support related to COVID-19 stressors, assistance navigating mental health services and referrals to grief and bereavement resources, and the opportunity to process the wellbeing needs of your students.
- Warmline: an agent is available to speak with callers 7 days per week from 11:00am-7:00pm 1-833-307-0509
- Peer Support Groups: a group facilitator hosts a small group for LAC and LACOE employees 5 days per week at 12pm (Monday-Friday). We also have two groups on Monday and Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm. LAC and LACOE employees can sign up directly on our website
- Chatline: an agent is available to speak with LAC and LACOE staff via chatline 7 days per week from 1pm-7pm. Visit for more information. We are super excited about this new addition!
- Self-care tools: additional self-care tools and resources to manage one's wellbeing such as webinars as well as mindfulness/ meditation practices. It is free to create an account:
Through guided learning and collaboration (both online and in-person), the UCLA Prevention Center of Excellence (COE) engages the Los Angeles County workforce in creating stigma-free environments, enhancing employee skill sets, and promoting wellbeing of peer and professional providers. It serves providers across Los Angeles County who support the wellbeing of children, families, and adults.
Managing Stress with the Coronavirus

Local Support Resources