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Strategic Plan

June 8, 2022
On behalf of the Governing Board, we proudly present to you a five-year strategic plan for improvement in the William S. Hart Union High School District.
It had been ten years since the Hart District specifically set aside time to discuss core values and to reflect upon our fundamental purpose as a school district. Clarifying what we stand for - and identifying what we hope to achieve – are two essential prerequisites necessary to define the future direction of the Hart District. Establishing specific goals and objective enables us to prioritize resources, focus our efforts and measure the effectiveness of our programs and practices.
The process of establishing core values, purpose statements, goals and objectives began with input from the community we serve. On March 25 and 26, 2022, we hosted two days of strategic visioning with over 100 members of the Santa Clarita community. Students, parents, teachers, counselors, support staff, community leaders and Governing Board Members gathered to identify District strengths and weaknesses in five focus areas.
The input provided was used to fashion a new purpose statement for the Hart District:
One Hart: Every Student – Opportunity Ready
The input from the sessions was also translated into a draft of a strategic plan with specific “initiatives” that were presented for the Board to review during a Special Study Session on May 10, 2022. That draft was further edited and presented to the Governing Board for final adoption on June 8, 2022. This plan will be revisited annually at designated Governing Board meetings. In doing so, we hope to transparently share our progress toward improving our service to the students and families of the Hart District.
We are 18 different school communities with ONE HART. Our fundamental purpose is to ensure EVERY STUDENT is OPPORTUNITY READY when they graduate from our District.
Thank you for helping us serve the students, staff and families of the Hart District. The future is bright for our District because of the direction we have set together.
Mike Kuhlman