Miscellaneous » Community » Volunteer


Every day hundreds of exciting opportunities for students in the William S. Hart Union High School District take place because members of the community care enough to get involved. School volunteers are people like you-community members, parents, grandparents, coaches, members of the business community-who have discovered that spending time and sharing talents with students is an energizing and worthwhile experience.
Being a school volunteer doesn't require any special skills - you simply need to be yourself. As you share your time and skills students lives can be changed and programs throughout our schools are enhanced through your contributions. Seeing students reaching their potential and grow as individuals is a wonderful benefit of volunteering. Knowing that you have played a role in helping students achieve is the satisfying part.
If you are interested in volunteering in one of our District schools, please contact the school principal and let them know you are interested.

Volunteers must successfully complete the following online training courses:

Sexual Harassment: Prevention for Non-Managers (SB1343)
Mandated Reporter: Child Abuse and Neglect
Workplace Bullying: Awareness and Prevention
Title IX Compliance Overview
Cyber Security Awareness
Severe Bleeding Response
Youth Suicide: Awareness, Prevention
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Practices
Workplace Violence: Awareness, Prevention

In addition to the courses listed above, athletic coaches must also complete these online courses:


Concussion Awareness
Sudden Cardiac Arrest
Heat Related Illnesses Training


Each course takes approximately 30 minutes to complete. Your site administrator will provide direction on how to access these courses.
Volunteer Packet:
Driving Packet: